

Here is an example of HTML usage of the player:

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="player_flv_maxi.swf" width="320" height="240">
     <param name="movie" value="player_flv_maxi.swf" />
     <param name="FlashVars" value="flv=test.flv" />

In this example, the size of the video is not set. The size of the player is 320 by 240. If you change these parameters, the video size will also change.


Parameter nameParameter description
flv The URL of the FLV video to be played.
width Forces the video width.
height Forces the video height.
autoplay 1 to auto-play
autoload 1 to automatically load
buffer The number of seconds to buffer. By default set to 5.
buffermessage The buffering message. By default Buffering _n_, _n_ shown in percent.
buffercolor The color of the buffering message
bufferbgcolor The background color of the buffering message
buffershowbg 0 to hide the background color of the buffering message
config The URL of the configuration text file, similar to flv_config_maxi.txt
configxml The URL of the configuration XML file, similar to flv_config_maxi.xml
title The title shown before loading the video
titlesize The size of the title's font. By default set to 20.
titlecolor The color of title. By default set to ffffff.
margin The margin of the video with respect to the Flash object. (useful for skins).
srt 1 to use SRT subtitles (the file must be at the same place as the video and have the same name, with .srt extension)
srtcolor The color of subtitles
srtbgcolor The background color of subtitles
srtsize Size of the subtitle's font. By default set to 11.
showstop 1 to show the STOP button.
showvolume 1 to show the VOLUME button.
showtime 1 to show the TIME button, 2 to show the remaining time by default
showplayer Player bar display mode : autohide, always or never.
showloading Loading bar display mode : autohide, always or never.
showfullscreen 1 to show fullscreen button (requires Flash Player or newer)
showswitchsubtitles 1 to show the button showing/hiding subtitles
showmouse Display of the mouse cursor : always, autohide, never.
loop 1 to loop.
startimage The URL of the JPEG file (not progressive) to be shown before loading the video
skin The URL of the JPEG file (not progressive) to load
playercolor The background color of the player bar (not the flash)
loadingcolor The color of loading bar
bgcolor The background color
bgcolor1 The first color of the background gradient
bgcolor2 The second color of the background gradient
buttoncolor The color of the buttons
buttonovercolor Hover color of buttons
slidercolor1 The first color of the bar gradient
slidercolor2 The second color of the bar gradient
sliderovercolor Hover color of the bar
loadonstop 0 to stop the video loading by cliking on STOP button
onclick The destination URL when clicking on the video. By default playpause, meaning that the video is played/paused on click. To remove events, set to none.
onclicktarget The target of the URL when clicking on the video. By default _self. To open a new window set to _blank.
ondoubleclick Action on double click: none, fullscreen, playpause, or the URL to open.
ondoubleclicktarget The target of the URL when double clicking on the video. By default _self. To open a new window set to _blank.
playertimeout The timeout in milliseconds before the player hides (when autohide mode is set). By default set to 1500.
videobgcolor Background color of the flash, when no video is shown.
volume The initial volume, between 0 and 200.
shortcut 0 to deactivate keyboard shortcuts.
playeralpha The transparency of the player bar, between 0 and 100.
phpstream 1 to use php stream
srturl L'URL of the subtitles file (if you don't want the automatic detection)
top1 Load an image over the video and place it at the coordinate x and y (for example url|x|y)
netconnection RTMP server url
showiconplay 1 to show the PLAY icon in the middle of the video.
iconplaycolor The color of the PLAY icon.
iconplaybgcolor The background color of the PLAY icon.
iconplaybgalpha The transparency of the PLAY icon between 0 and 100.
showtitleandstartimage 1 to show the title and the startimage at the same time.

Keyboard shortcuts

space Play/Pause
P Play/Pause
S Stop
C Show/Hide subtitles
F Fullscreen mode
left 5 seconds backward
right 5 seconds forward
up Volume up
down Volume down
+ Volume up
- Volume down


To control the player with Javascript, it is necessary to add an id in the <object> tag, in order to identify the Flash.

These are the available actions:

document.getElementById("myFlash").SetVariable("player:jsPlay", "");

document.getElementById("myFlash").SetVariable("player:jsPause", "");

document.getElementById("myFlash").SetVariable("player:jsStop", "");

// Pour modifier le volume
document.getElementById("myFlash").SetVariable("player:jsVolume", "50");

// Pour modifier l'url du FLV (il faut faire un play ensuite)
document.getElementById("myFlash").SetVariable("player:jsUrl", "http://my.flv");

// Pour modifier l'image de départ
document.getElementById("myFlash").SetVariable("player:jsStartImage", "foo.jpg");

// Pour se déplacer dans la vidéo, en seconde
document.getElementById("myFlash").SetVariable("player:jsSetPosition", "234"); 
